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Vinyl Bathroom Flooring

  • Karndean Knight Tile Wood Shade Light Worn Oak Tile (Per M²)
    from £129.00

    Karndean Knight Tile Wood Shade Light Worn Oak Tile (Per M²)


    One of the most rustic looking wood designs in the Knight Tilecollection, Light Worn Oak features soft greys with smoky charcoalaccents. Giving the authentic appearance of unfinished timberwithout the practical drawbacks, this product"s neutral to...

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    from £129.00
  • Karndean Knight Tile Wood Shade Mid Worn Oak Tile (Per M²)
    from £129.00

    Karndean Knight Tile Wood Shade Mid Worn Oak Tile (Per M²)


    One of the Knight Tile"s collection"s most aged and rugged lookingproducts is our 36x6" Mid Worn Oak plank. With a look of reclaimedtimber and wide colour variation including nut brown and palerbrown tones against a dark brown grain, we think this...

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    from £129.00
  • Karndean Knight Tile Wood Shade Mid Brushed Oak Tile (Per M²)
    from £129.00

    Karndean Knight Tile Wood Shade Mid Brushed Oak Tile (Per M²)


    With its striking nut brown tones, our Mid Brushed Oak planksfeature a realistic traditional grain pattern and brushed texture.More evenly toned than choppier Mid Worn and Lime Washed Oak, ourMid Brushed Oak planks complement pastel and shabby chi...

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    from £129.00
  • Karndean Knight Tile 2mm Wood Shade Lime Washed Oak Tile (Per M²)
    from £129.00

    Karndean Knight Tile 2mm Wood Shade Lime Washed Oak Tile (Per M²)


    Our 36x6" Lime Washed Oak planks look like worn, sun-bleacheddriftwood. With loads of variation in colour tones from plank toplank, this floor looks choppier than most when laid - perfect ifyou"re going for a contemporary Scandinavian look.  <...

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    from £129.00
  • Karndean Knight Tile Wood Shade Classic Limed Oak Tile (Per M²)
    from £129.00

    Karndean Knight Tile Wood Shade Classic Limed Oak Tile (Per M²)


    Featuring subtle copper tones and a limed finish, our ClassicLimed Oak planks have a soft texture to replicate their distinctivegrain pattern. Available in a wider than usual format of 36x6",Classic Limed Oak works well with neutrals as well as bo...

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    from £129.00
  • Karndean Knight Tile Wood Shade Mid Limed Oak Tile (Per M²)
    from £129.00

    Karndean Knight Tile Wood Shade Mid Limed Oak Tile (Per M²)


    Our Mid Limed Oak planks feature striking colour variations ofdusty pale browns with hints of softer golden hues. With its worn,rustic appearance, our 36x6" Mid Limed Oak looks great witheclectic vintage and more traditional interior styles. <...

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    from £129.00
  • Karndean Knight Tile 2mm Wood Shade Pale Limed Oak Tile (Per M²)
    from £129.00

    Karndean Knight Tile 2mm Wood Shade Pale Limed Oak Tile (Per M²)


    As seen on Sarah Beeny"s "Double Your House for Half the Money".Our Pale Limed Oak planks feature bleached blonde and honey toneswith very realistic colour variation between planks. A verypractical neutral flooring option, Pale Limed Oak is availa...

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    from £129.00
  • Karndean Knight Tile Wood Shade Tudor Oak Tile (Per M²)
    from £129.00

    Karndean Knight Tile Wood Shade Tudor Oak Tile (Per M²)


    Tudor Oak has a dark grey brown palette with swirling grain anddistinctive knots for a  rustic feel. Consider laying on anangle and bordering with a strip for extra interest and a reallyindividual finish Woodplank Designs Create a var...

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    from £129.00
  • Karndean Opus Stone Shade Argento Tile (Per M²)
    from £224.00

    Karndean Opus Stone Shade Argento Tile (Per M²)


    Using both faces of a unique batch of limestone sourced from aLake District quarry in England as inspiration, we have created twoindividual designs in one radiant product. While retaining thenatural colours, we also allowed the pearlescent veining...

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    from £224.00
  • Karndean Opus Stone Shade Fumo Tile (Per M²)
    from £224.00

    Karndean Opus Stone Shade Fumo Tile (Per M²)


    Inspired by a unique batch of limestone sourced from a LakeDistrict quarry in England, we were keen to introduce a productthat authentically replicates the extraordinary details of theoriginal. The smoky grey tones and sleek appearance will workef...

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    from £224.00
  • Karndean Opus 2.5mm Stone Shade Fumo Tile (Per M²)
    from £163.00

    Karndean Opus 2.5mm Stone Shade Fumo Tile (Per M²)


    Inspired by a unique batch of limestone sourced from a LakeDistrict quarry in England, we were keen to introduce a productthat authentically replicates the extraordinary details of theoriginal. The smoky grey tones and sleek appearance will workef...

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    from £163.00
  • Karndean Opus Stone Shade Ferra Tile (Per M²)
    from £163.00

    Karndean Opus Stone Shade Ferra Tile (Per M²)


    Although inspired by a classic slate look, Ferra hasan almost metallic like finish, with its steely charcoalbase and hints of copper and silver tones. Striking andcontemporary, Ferra adds real impact to any space it sitsin Rectangle Tile F...

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    from £163.00
  • Karndean Opus Stone Shade Forma Tile (Per M²)
    from £163.00

    Karndean Opus Stone Shade Forma Tile (Per M²)


    Forma has a striking mix of rust tones mixed with an almost silverysheen, inspired by the metallic sheens of Italian ceramics. Inkeeping with the current trend for larger tiles, Forma comes in ourlargest rectangular tile - great for creating a sen...

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    from £163.00
  • Karndean Opus Stone Shade Urbus Tile (Per M²)
    from £163.00

    Karndean Opus Stone Shade Urbus Tile (Per M²)


    The large, rectangular tiles of Urbus, from the Opus stonecollection bring a stormy mix of light and mid grey tones to thistravertine inspired stone tile effect. Reflecting the trend forlarger tiles in poured concrete colours, Urbus looks great wh...

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    from £163.00
  • Karndean Opus Stone Shade Terra Tile (Per M²)
    from £163.00

    Karndean Opus Stone Shade Terra Tile (Per M²)


    Terra has a warmer more earthy tone than its counterparts in theOpus stone collection. More reminiscent of a travertine pattern,its neutral hue makes for a really versatile backdrop to yourinterior. Highlight its rectangular tile by choosing a con...

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    from £163.00
  • Karndean Opus Stone Shade Mico Tile (Per M²)
    from £163.00

    Karndean Opus Stone Shade Mico Tile (Per M²)


    Mico brings a subtle cloudy design to a fresh, light grey stonetile effect. The result has the look of the really pale pouredconcrete so popular in recent interiors trends. Yet styled in amore classic environment, there are hints of a marbled patt...

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    from £163.00
  • Karndean Opus Stone Shade Nero Tile (Per M²)
    from £163.00

    Karndean Opus Stone Shade Nero Tile (Per M²)


    Nero"s matt black stone effect floor tile is one of oursimplest black tiles, yet has a subtle intricacy of design thatprovides a really striking look to any space. Don"t forget to try acontrasting or matching design strip for a more unique finishi...

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    from £163.00
  • Karndean Opus Stone Shade Solis Tile (Per M²)
    from £163.00

    Karndean Opus Stone Shade Solis Tile (Per M²)


    For a warmer slightly buttery tone, take a look at Solis from ourOpus stone collection. The clean lines and subtle mottled patterngive a really fresh, airy feel to any space. Don"t forget to browseour range of feature strips for a perfect finishin...

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    from £163.00
  • Karndean Opus Stone Shade Luna Tile (Per M²)
    from £163.00

    Karndean Opus Stone Shade Luna Tile (Per M²)


    Luna gives you a clean, smooth stone effect with a subtle mottledpattern for an overall style reminiscent of porcelain. This paletone looks great when coupled with a realistic grout strip for afresh, modern space. Square Floor Tile Designs...

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    from £163.00
  • Karndean Opus Wood Shade Avena Tile (Per M²)
    from £163.00

    Karndean Opus Wood Shade Avena Tile (Per M²)


    Avena showcases a comprehensive blend of tones and intricategrain features.  To create this design, we combined aselection of smooth, streamlined boards and a small amount offlowery grains to create an unmistakably sleek product that stillboasts a...

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    from £163.00
  • Karndean Opus Wood Shade Fabrica Tile (Per M²)
    from £163.00

    Karndean Opus Wood Shade Fabrica Tile (Per M²)


    Inspired to create an iconic and thought-provoking design, wehave combined the natural characteristics of European Oak with aninteresting "shuttered concrete" look, resulting in a mixedmaterial effect that still allows the classic knots and cross ...

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    from £163.00
  • Karndean Opus Wood Shade Pallida Tile (Per M²)
    from £163.00

    Karndean Opus Wood Shade Pallida Tile (Per M²)


    With its light brown tones and intricate grain details, Pallidais the perfect choice for a contemporary home. Planks are availablein a 48" x 9" format. Woodplank Designs Create a variety of looks by experimenting with different plank ...

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    from £163.00
  • Karndean Opus Wood Shade Argen Tile (Per M²)
    from £163.00

    Karndean Opus Wood Shade Argen Tile (Per M²)


    Argen brings striking silver highlights to the strong charcoalof this distinctive wood effect large plank. For a really impactfulfinishing touch, consider a silver keyline or tramline border atthe edge of your space to draw out the silver tones of...

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    from £163.00
  • Karndean Opus Wood Shade Magna Tile (Per M²)
    from £163.00

    Karndean Opus Wood Shade Magna Tile (Per M²)


    Create real impact with the large plank format and weatheredtimber appearance of Magna from the Opus plank range. Equally athome in rustic, traditional spaces and more modern urban interiors,the cool brown and unfinished look of Magna offers a rea...

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    from £163.00