Vinyl Bathroom Flooring
- from £163.00
Karndean Opus Wood Shade Primo Tile (Per M²)
KarndeanA more traditional honey tone and subtle grain give Primo theflexibility to work in both modern and traditional spaces. Largeplank format. If requesting samples docomplete your address details before you le...
View full detailsfrom £163.00 - from £163.00
Karndean Opus Wood Shade Carbo Tile (Per M²)
KarndeanA contemporary slant on the traditional wood look, Carbo adds astriking black wash to an authentic wood grain effect for a reallystriking modern backdrop to your space. Are you brave enough to adda contrasting keyline border to really finish with ...
View full detailsfrom £163.00 - from £163.00
Karndean Opus Wood Shade Cera Tile (Per M²)
KarndeanWith a subtle, natural grain effect, Cera gives you a realisticand versatile timber effect with none of the drawbacks associatedwith real timber floors.If requesting samples do complete your address details
View full detailsfrom £163.00 - from £163.00
Karndean Opus Wood Shade Ignea Tile (Per M²)
KarndeanIgnea from the Opus Wood effect range has a really authenticrustic timber effect that looks fantastic in a range of spaces fromclassically styled interiors to more trendy urban spaces. Everydetail of knot, grain and split has been painstakingly re...
View full detailsfrom £163.00 - from £163.00
Karndean Opus Wood Shade Weathered Elm Tile (Per M²)
KarndeanThis softly grained wood effect plank has an attractive mix of midbrown and grey hues which give an authentic looking natural colourvariation to the design. Weathered Elm creates a really gentle,natural backdrop for a really calming space ...
View full detailsfrom £163.00 - from £175.00
Karndean Van Gogh Wood Shade Charred Oak Tile (Per M²)
KarndeanMeticulously replicating thedistinctive look of smoked oak, our Charred Oak planks radiate boldwarmth with striking visuals. With dark, golden amber tones anddusky charcoal brown characteristics, this wood effect design bringcharacter to modern sp...
View full detailsfrom £175.00 - from £175.00
Karndean Van Gogh Wood Shade Burnished Cypress Tile (Per M²)
KarndeanThe scorched visuals of Burnished Cypress beautifully highlightits rich, reddish-brown undertones. A design which not only bringsinstant warmth, but will ground any interior style. If requesting samples do complete ...
View full detailsfrom £175.00 - from £175.00
Karndean Van Gogh Wood Shade Lime-Washed Cypress Tile (Per M²)
KarndeanThe warm tones of our Lime WashedCypress are subtly enhanced by the linear soft greys seen in thegrain detail. Its softly sanded look makes it an ideal canvas toaccompany nearly any interior scheme. If requesting samples do...
View full detailsfrom £175.00 - from £175.00
Karndean Van Gogh Wood Shade Honey Oak Tile (Per M²)
KarndeanHoney Oak offers the look of reclaimed timber in a light goldenbrown tone. With delicate hints of pale ash, coupled with itsstriking grain details, this wood design is an ideal choice formore contemporary spaces. If requesting sampl...
View full detailsfrom £175.00 - from £175.00
Karndean Van Gogh Wood Shade Hessian Oak Tile (Per M²)
KarndeanThe lime washed appearance of Hessian Oak makes it a versatileand neutral plank, as such it"s a perfect choice for a range ofliving spaces and interior styles. If requesting samples do complete your address details ...
View full detailsfrom £175.00 - from £175.00
Karndean Van Gogh Wood Shade Tawny Oak Tile (Per M²)
KarndeanFor contemporary style, look to thevarying charcoal brown hues of Tawny Oak. With its subtle lineargrain details, this wood effect design grounds any space andcreates a distinctive look. If requesting samples do com...
View full detailsfrom £175.00 - from £175.00
Karndean Van Gogh Wood Shade Ebony Tile (Per M²)
KarndeanFor a striking, contemporary look consider our Ebony Van Goghwood plank. Varying charcoal blacks and greys through a subtlelinear greys makes for a really distinctive look for yourspace. If requesting samples docomp...
View full detailsfrom £175.00 - from £175.00
Karndean Van Gogh Wood Shade Walnut Tile (Per M²)
KarndeanWalnut from our Van Gogh wood collection combines a reallystriking linear grain with variable chocolate and warm mid browntones. Consider a keyline border in a darker chocolate tone for areally striking finishing touch to your space.
View full detailsfrom £175.00 - from £175.00
Karndean Van Gogh Wood Shade French Oak Tile (Per M²)
KarndeanFrench Oak from the Van Gogh collection has the attractive knotand grain details of a traditional oak timber, in a subtly variablelight blond tone. Gentle enough in design to work throughout anopen-plan space, but with the flexibility to play with...
View full detailsfrom £175.00 - from £175.00
Karndean Van Gogh Wood Shade Birch Tile (Per M²)
KarndeanFor a more traditional Birch appearance in the natural palehoney tones of the wood that inspired it, consider our gentle VanGogh Birch plank. Unlike a real timber Designflooring requires onlyvery simple maintenance, enabling you to create an authe...
View full detailsfrom £175.00 - from £175.00
Karndean Van Gogh Wood Shade Frosted Birch Tile (Per M²)
KarndeanFrosted Birch from our Van Gogh wood collection combines agentle, soft timber grain effect with a cool grey-brown tone. Thiscreates a versatile and subtle overall appearance that works wellwith any style or space. If requesting samp...
View full detailsfrom £175.00 - from £175.00
Karndean Van Gogh Wood Shade Distressed Oak Tile (Per M²)
KarndeanSimilar to our Country Oak effect in colour and tone, DistressedOak has a more pronounced grain with greater knot and line detailsin its design. Again, an authentic rustic finish with none of thedrawbacks of real timber make for a great traditiona...
View full detailsfrom £175.00 - from £175.00
Karndean Van Gogh Wood Shade Country Oak Tile (Per M²)
KarndeanCountry Oak from the Van Gogh wood collection gives you theauthentic rustic appearance of unfinished timbers, with none of thepractical difficulties of waxing, sanding or porosity of realunfinish oak timbers. A gentle cool mid-brown coupled withfa...
View full detailsfrom £175.00 - from £175.00
Karndean Van Gogh Wood Shade Wellington Oak Tile (Per M²)
KarndeanWellington Oak couples the distinctive knot details of ourVan Gogh range of oak effects, with a warmer mid brown for aneutral, classic backdrop to any room. The larger planks create asense of space whilst the rich tones ensure your room remainswe...
View full detailsfrom £175.00 - from £175.00
Karndean Van Gogh Wood Shade Auckland Oak Tile (Per M²)
KarndeanAuckland Oak from our Van Gogh woodplank collection has aclassic honey oak colour with distinctive authentic knot detailsfor a classic and versatile oak look. If requesting samples docomplete your address details
View full detailsfrom £175.00 - from £175.00
Karndean Van Gogh Wood Shade Macrocapra Tile (Per M²)
KarndeanOur popular Macrocapra timber effect planks have a reallydelicate, light tone, with an unusual grain detail adding interestand character. This ash blond plank can really help create a clean,airy space. If requesting samples...
View full detailsfrom £175.00 - from £200.00
Karndean Michelangelo Iconic Shade Metallica Atomic Tile (Per M²)
KarndeanAtomic creates a modern twist on the classic black tile byincorporating raised steel effect fragments, inspired by thecurrent architectural trend for industrial and metallic looks.Really tactile and stunning to look at - try playing withcheckerboa...
View full detailsfrom £200.00 - from £200.00
Karndean Michelangelo Iconic Shade Metallica Comet Tile (Per M²)
KarndeanComet from our Iconic collection, manages to bring subtlety andversatility to the bold trend for industrial and metallicinteriors, by coupling a pale backdrop with a sprinking of raisedsteel effect fragments. For a really distrinctive look, trycre...
View full detailsfrom £200.00 - from £200.00
Karndean Michelangelo Iconic Shade Metallica Tungsten Tile (Per M²)
KarndeanOur Iconic Tungsten design tile was inspired by the modern urbantrend for really industrial looks. Each"set" of the randomtreadplate pattern has a galvanised steel look, and is raised, foran overall effect that is both visually striking and hugely...
View full detailsfrom £200.00